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[pow_masked_title responsive="true" tag_name="h1″ color="#ffffff" size="45″ font_weight="bold" margin_top="180″ margin_bottom="0″ font_family="none" align="left" animation="fade-in"]THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MARINEDIAN NETWORK[/pow_masked_title]
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The Marinedi group is developing several initiatives in the Mediterranean area.

Currently, ongoing initiatives are in different stages of progress (ports operational or under construction, expansions, applications for maritime state concessions or identification of new locations).

[pow_title_box color="#393836″ highlight_color="#000″ highlight_opacity="0″ size="18″ line_height="18″ font_weight="inhert" margin_top="0″ margin_bottom="10″ font_family="none" align="left" animation="fade-in" el_class="projcountry"]TURKEY[/pow_title_box]

2 Marina
850 berths

[pow_title_box color="#393836″ highlight_color="#000″ highlight_opacity="0″ size="18″ line_height="18″ font_weight="inhert" margin_top="0″ margin_bottom="10″ font_family="none" align="left" animation="fade-in" el_class="projcountry"]ALBANIA AND GREECE[/pow_title_box]

3 Marina
950 berths

[pow_title_box color="#393836″ highlight_color="#000″ highlight_opacity="0″ size="18″ line_height="18″ font_weight="inhert" margin_top="0″ margin_bottom="10″ font_family="none" align="left" animation="fade-in" el_class="projcountry"]CROATIA AND MONTENEGRO[/pow_title_box]

4 Marina
1750 berths

[pow_title_box color="#393836″ highlight_color="#000″ highlight_opacity="0″ size="18″ line_height="18″ font_weight="inhert" margin_top="0″ margin_bottom="10″ font_family="none" align="left" animation="fade-in" el_class="projcountry"]NORTH AFRICA[/pow_title_box]

5 Navy
(1 Egypt, 2 Tunisia, 1
Algeria, 1 Morocco)
3500 berths

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Currently, ongoing initiatives are in different stages of progress (ports operational or under construction, expansions, applications for maritime state concessions or identification of new locations).

In particular, the following contacts are being made:

  • Croatian government for three locations along the Dalmatian coast;

  • Montenegrin government for a localization;

  • an Albanian municipality to develop a nautical hub;

  • some Greek municipalities (2) for as many projects to develop pre-existing structures;

  • some Turkish operators for two ventures to be developed, one as a joint venture and the other to be taken over en bloc;

  • a major Egyptian Municipality to develop a marina in joint venture with the local Industrial Union

  • a major Egyptian real estate group interested in a partner to manage its maritime assets

  • the group is awaiting the final stabilization of the new Libyan government in order to continue the in-depth study of two realities that are now mostly devoted to fishing and on which contacts were initiated before recent events.

In Tunisia, in addition to the Sidi Bou Said initiative, a second localization is being considered for early operation.

Finally, contacts are underway in Algeria and Morocco for an analysis and selection of at least two more locations along the southwestern stretch of the Mediterranean coast.

The group has also expressed interest in the management of the under construction Tangier Marina in Morocco.

With regard to the French coasts, which are already characterized by a large number of tourist port infrastructures, possible joint ventures will be examined once the Marinedi group is definitively consolidated in the European market, in order to definitively establish the principle of Marinedi's Mediterranean Network, while contacts are already underway with some important Spanish entities for some partnerships.
